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2023-06-29 12:55:34    来源:哔哩哔哩

原文标题:Work and savoir-faireFrom debutantes to directorsEurope’s last finishing school targets a new market工作与才干从初出茅庐到久经世故欧洲最后一所精修学校瞄准了新市场As the supply of debutantes dries up, etiquette experts explore a new market由于名媛越来越少,礼仪学校开始探索新市场

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THE THREE-MARTINI lunch may be over, but the business dinner is here to stay—and it is a prospect that fills some executives with horror.


For those who find the multiple rows of cutleryand wine glasses baffling, or who keep forgetting which side-plate is theirs, help is on hand to decode the hidden rules of etiquette.


On the hills overlooking Lake Geneva, a company offers executives an extra layer of social polish to boost their confidence—and, perhaps, their career.有一家公司坐落在山上,可以俯瞰日内瓦湖,它为高管们提供上流社会礼仪培训,帮助他们增强信心——也许还对他们的职业生涯有帮助。

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Established in 1954, the Institut Villa Pierrefeu, perchedabove Montreux, is the last finishing school in Europe.

皮埃尔弗别墅学院成立于 1954 年,坐落于蒙特勒,是欧洲最后一所精修学校。

Its courses, which range from one to six weeks, cover everything from seating precedence and tea-service protocol to black-belt-level etiquette challenges such as eating a banana with a knife and fork.


Historically, most of its students were young women preparing for the marriage market.


Today, as social codes relax and demand for such an education wanes, Villa Pierrefeu is exploring a new pool of clients: business executives.


Viviane Néri, the Institut’s principal, says it is no longer a finishing school but a “starting school”.该学院的院长维维安.内里说,它不再是一所精修学校,而是一所 "起点学校"。

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A five-day course in the “European art of dining” (which costs around SFr5,000, or $5,570) features modules on menu planning, English-style table setting and French-styletable manners.

为期5天的“欧洲餐饮艺术”课程(费用约为 5,000 瑞士法郎,即 5,570 美元)主要有菜单规划、英式餐桌布置和法式餐桌礼仪等模块内容。

The students carefully taking notes on wine pairing and cutlery arrangement work in fields such as technology, corporate law and banking.


Some are there to master a foreign culture. Ahmed Aftab Naqvi, the head of an advertising network in India, says that aspell at Villa Pierrefeu has helped him to “understand the diversity of cultures, customs, traditions and etiquette”.


Others hope that their refined manners will command respect from colleagues. “I wanted to be elevated,” says one employee of a tech giant based in California. 另一些人则希望自己优雅的举止能够赢得同事的尊重。“我想升职,”加州一家科技巨头的一名员工说道。

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Some lessons have not changed in years. Students are instructed that, once a meal is over, they can place theirlinennapkin on the right (French style) or the left (English style).


But in other ways the school has had to adapt. Ms Néri has changed courses to suit professionals, scrapping the old nine-month diplomaand offering classes all year round which clients can attend on their annual leave.


Schools which failed to adapt have had to close, or take on less glamorous roles.


Le Manoir, a former finishing school in Lausanne, these days serves as the international headquarters of Tetra Pak.乐曼曾是洛桑的一所精修学校,如今是利乐公司的国际总部。

(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量423左右)原文出自:2023年6月24日《The Economist》Business版块


本文翻译整理: Irene

本文编辑校对: Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。

【补充资料】(来自于网络)精修学校(Finishing School)是一种提供社交礼仪、文化教育和实用技能培训的教育机构。它主要面向女性,旨在帮助她们提升社交技巧、优雅风度和职业能力,以适应社交场合和职业生活的要求。三杯马提尼午餐(The Three-Martini Lunch)是一个指代在工作时间中享用多杯马提尼鸡尾酒的行为,尤其是在商务午餐期间。它源自20世纪50年代和60年代美国商界的一种习俗,主要是在高级主管和商业精英之间流行。被认为是美国商界的象征,代表着高度成功和经济繁荣。是一种奖励和享受工作成果的方式,也是商务圈中建立互惠关系的一种方式。然而,随着时间的推移,这种行为逐渐被视为浪费时间和资源的不负责任的行为。在现代商业环境中,这种午餐已经不再普遍存在,更多地被视为过时和不合适的行为。维拉·皮耶尔菲学院(Institut Villa Pierrefeu)是位于瑞士洛桑的一所国际女子礼仪学院。该学院成立于1954年,旨在教授和传授女性社交礼仪、文化修养和生活技能。课程涵盖了广泛的主题,包括社交礼仪、餐桌礼仪、形象与仪态、国际文化交流等。瑞士曾经有数十家专门培养女性社交礼仪和风度气质的贵族学校,又称精修学校。它们绝大多数因种种原因已经关门,其中包括培养过已故英国王妃戴安娜的学校。皮埃尔弗别墅学院是瑞士仅存的一所精修学校。【重点句子】(3个)Today, as social codes relax and demand for such an education wanes, Villa Pierrefeu is exploring a new pool of clients: business executives.如今,随着社会规范放松及人们对此类教育需求减弱,皮埃尔弗别墅学院正在探索新的客户群体:企业高管。

The students carefully taking notes on wine pairing and cutlery arrangement work in fields such as technology, corporate law and banking.学生们会认真地记录葡萄酒搭配和餐具摆放的笔记,他们从事科技、公司法和银行等领域的工作。Schools which failed to adapt have had to close, or take on less glamorous roles.未能适应变化的学校不得不关闭,或者承担较为平凡的角色。

